30 Dec Day 17: an overdue visit
It’s the 30th of December and we’ve been trying to find a day between all the filming when we can head out to visit the family from our previous project, who we’ve kept in touch with and helped them when we could towards the children’s education and their civil rights centre Tzome Ixuk. They started as an indigenous women’s rights centre and would advise, help and shelter women from the town and the communities who sought them out as well as organising awareness and education workshops for women and now men. They’re in Las Margaritas, further East closer to Guatemala.
It’s 7:30 am and it’s raining again -in dry season, they tell us we must have brought it with us. I want to leave the house around 9 as we have another 3-hours journey ahead of us in two different “combis” small Scooby Do-type vans that they use as buses.
It’s been five years since we saw them last, we’re nervous and eager to see them. We’ll stay the night -hopefully!- and return tomorrow for New Year’s eve.