30 Mar Forty Foot makes it to the Final 13
Whoo Hooo, we did it, we’re on our way to Hot Doc’s.
we have just received word from the Doc Challenge that Forty Foot has been picked as a finalist for this years Doc Challenge.
here is what they said
“During March 5th-9th, 142 filmmakers from 15 countries made short non-fiction films with the assigned theme of “Hope and/or Fear.” The judging process is underway and the 12 finalists will screen at the Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival on May 9, 2009 at 9pm where the winners will be announced. Stay tuned for the list of finalists!”
“The moment you have all been waiting for: our first round judges have completed their voting which determined the 13 finalists for the 2009 International Documentary Challenge. (Due to a tie there are 13 finalists instead of 12.) There are many, many great films this year. Many more than just 13: in total, 116 films were finished by the deadline and eligible for awards.”
We are chuffed, really excited, and really happy to have had this opportunity. Not bad for five days work now is it?
Fingers crossed for us at Hot Docs and keep checking back well keep you in formed